Monday, July 30, 2007


We've had a busy week but I somehow managed to get some cute pics of Daddy and the kids. Anyway, I was thinking it would be fun to list some of the cute "Janieisms" that we hear daily. Then I realized that the all kids have their own "isms," if you will, and it would be fun to list some translations. So here are just a few:

J says, "I'm careds" = I'm scared
J says, "Moke" = Milk
R says, "Naaaahhhh" = No, thank you
R says, "Suuuaaaa" = Sure!
R says, "Let me see a treasure map" = I'm going to take your mouse pad
R says, "That's a pacuter" = That's a computer
R says, "Look, a pacano" = Look, a volcano
R says, "You see that fag?" = You see that flag?
K says, "Airjintaner" = Air conditioner
K says, "I wuv you" = I love you
K asks, "You wanna build a castle?" = You want to take all the books off the shelf, pile them up, and make a mess?
R,K,J say, "Crabby crabby" = Cheeseburger (From the Sponge Bob cartoon where it's actually called a Crabby Patty)
R,K,J ask, "You going to see the sergeant?" = Are you going to work?
That's just a few that I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll think of more later. Well, Daddy just took the kids to breakfast so off to bed I go!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Summer Haircuts

On Saturday, we finally managed to take the kids for desperately needed haircuts. If you look at pictures from the previous posts, you can see the "before." I knew it was time to take them to the kids styling specialists when I would call K and she would have to tilt her head back to look at me under those bangs hanging in her eyes. Uggghhh . . . anyhoo, these kids stylists were amazing. I never would have believed the kids could sit there so long with some stranger fussing at them. But the ladies gave them bins of toys to pick through and that was just the trick. They put flowers in the girls' hair which made them look like princesses, R played with a little train they had set up on a little table, and afterward everyone got a balloon!!!! The perfect day . . . fantastic!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I was trying to teach the kids to pose for a picture so that someday soon, we can go to a studio for a portrait. R seems to be the only one who gets it. The girls want to look everywhere but at the camera. And R is so cute because it was his idea to put his arms around the girls but of course, J was too ticklish. After several attempts, I finally got the last one. Anyway, the kids and I had fun today. We started our day by going to the mall to get a pretzel and look at the puppies in the pet store. The kids were so well behaved that I took them to the Disney Store and let them get a toy. J is in love with her new "Pullyo." That's Pluto in our language. Pluto went with us everywhere we went today. And never fear, J's baby was also in tow. K got two dolls, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, and R chose a Lightning McQueen stuffed toy. Then we went to the park, had quiet time, and finally rode our bikes around the block until...Yea!!! Daddy came home!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Park Day

Poor K was sick today...the stomach flu, ick!

But the day before yesterday was a day at the park!

We slid down the slide and we climbed...

and boy, was it hot! So R and K ran through the sprinkler!

But J ran AROUND the sprinkler...not a drop on her. Now that's talent!

Yes, it was fun at the park. But unfortunately, the next day, not so much. K somehow managed to get a funky stomach ailment again. It was "barfy" for two days. In the words of K, "My tummys hurt! It weally hurts bad." Thats the second stomach flu-type illness in about a month. Luckily she's okay now. Although, Mommy is still recovering. Hopefully back to the park tomorrow...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

First weekend away in a long time

Thanks to our wonderful family, we finally managed to get away for a few days . . . without the kids. While the kids were home with Grammie, Pap Pap, Aunt J and the girls, we went to a wedding on Catalina Island and had a really nice time. Although, it was so funny how we talked about the kids and about how much we missed them all weekend. And we couldn't wait to get home. But for our first trip away from the kids, it was great. The one thing that sticks in our mind is how we weren't rushed when we went to a restaurant. We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves having so much leisure time and all. Now we're planning our next vacation, but this one will be with the whole family, grandparents and all. Any suggestions?