I've been MIA the last few days due to work. But this past Saturday, we attended a very special event for a great cause. Steve and the guys from his work entered an airplane pull at Long Beach Airport to benefit the Special Olympics.
The kids got to see lots of fun things up close including a fire truck and of course, the airplane. We didn't stay long because we are in the midst of potty training.
Steve organized his team's entry for LAPD's Metropolitan Divsion, C Platoon. They had a great showing, twenty guys for their team alone. They had to pull a Fed Ex airplane 28 feet for time. They had two tries and ultimately came in third place behind teams Fed Ex and LA County Sheriffs.
Steve said they had a great time and everyone was glad to see them dressed and ready to go in C Platoon utilities. Apparently, it was great PR for the LAPD. But all that aside, the guys were just happy to help the kids.
Here's a picture of the whole team. Steve is in the back row, 7th from the left, with the baseball cap.
Today the kids practiced their superhero skills. J, especially, was getting very good at jumping off the planter. And then she'd yell, "Wonder Woman!" R, of course, was Superman, and K was Super Girl.
There's something very "Laverne and Shirley" about this picture. I just love it.
Yet again, I tried for a good picture of the three of them to no avail. R was starting to get grumpy after a few tries.
We went to my company picnic on Saturday. We all had a lot of fun. When we first got there, the kids got lots of surprises, including gift bags and water guns. Of course we never filled the guns with water . . . can you blame us????
We saw our good friend Andy Hudlett and his new wife Pamela.
The kids went on a big slide and then they jumped on a big inflatable jumping thing.
One of the best parts of the day was riding the ponies!
K was the only one brave enough for the water slide.
Then we had way too much candy. No one wanted to leave but by three o'clock there were a lot of tired eyes. It was a great day.
Today was our three year-old doctor appointment. It's so hard to believe it's been a year. And what a difference a year makes! We arrived at the doctor's office at 11:40 for our 11:45 appointment. As you can see from the first picture, I wasn't thrilled about the hour long wait to be seen. But this year was so different because the kids actually entertained themselves . . . no whining or crying. During our long wait in the waiting room, the nurse brought us in to have height/weight checked along with a vision test and blood pressure check. The vision test was funny because the nurse had me cover one of the kid's eyes and then she would point to an object on the eye chart, like a star or a heart. Inevitably, we had some cheating going on because one of the other kids would yell out the answer from behind us. Oh well . . . Daddy practiced with them before the doctor came in. He put them on the examination table and checked them out, they loved it. Then the doctor finally came in. The girls did well with the examination, especially K. But R wasn't having any of it. He had to sit in Daddy's lap. The worst part was the shot at the end. But they each got a sticker and then everything was OK. The best part was the elevator ride after we left the office. Everyone got a clean bill of health. Ris going to be a big boy. He's 40-1/2 inches tall and 34 pounds. That's the 95th percentile for his height and 75th for his weight. K is 38-1/2 inches tall and 34 pounds, 75th for height and weight. J is 38-1/2 inches tall and 32 pounds, 75th height and 60th weight. They all had 20/30 vision which is good. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he have another healthy year!