Monday, July 30, 2007


We've had a busy week but I somehow managed to get some cute pics of Daddy and the kids. Anyway, I was thinking it would be fun to list some of the cute "Janieisms" that we hear daily. Then I realized that the all kids have their own "isms," if you will, and it would be fun to list some translations. So here are just a few:

J says, "I'm careds" = I'm scared
J says, "Moke" = Milk
R says, "Naaaahhhh" = No, thank you
R says, "Suuuaaaa" = Sure!
R says, "Let me see a treasure map" = I'm going to take your mouse pad
R says, "That's a pacuter" = That's a computer
R says, "Look, a pacano" = Look, a volcano
R says, "You see that fag?" = You see that flag?
K says, "Airjintaner" = Air conditioner
K says, "I wuv you" = I love you
K asks, "You wanna build a castle?" = You want to take all the books off the shelf, pile them up, and make a mess?
R,K,J say, "Crabby crabby" = Cheeseburger (From the Sponge Bob cartoon where it's actually called a Crabby Patty)
R,K,J ask, "You going to see the sergeant?" = Are you going to work?
That's just a few that I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll think of more later. Well, Daddy just took the kids to breakfast so off to bed I go!

1 comment:

Chris & Mike said...


I am loving these pictures.The kids are getting so big.. We miss you guys lots.. Give everyone a BIG hug and kiss...
Mike and Me :)