Today we spoke with the colorectal specialist, Dr. Neoman. He will be removing part of my colon tomorrow along with some of the lymph nodes. He was very reassuring that I can beat this and after his consultation with us, Dad, Mom, Steve and I felt more hopeful than we've felt in days. He even said that he thinks this is stage 3 and not stage 4 as some of the doctors mentioned earlier.
Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am and we are looking forward to starting the fight. If all goes well, I will begin chemotherapy and possibly radiation when I heal from the surgery. While I still can't believe this is happening to me, I am positive and I know that I have everything to live for. I miss my kids everyday and I can't wait to go home.
Me-mom flew down from Oregon this morning and she and Andrew are helping with the kids. I am so very grateful to absolutely everyone who is helping us get through this. I feel the prayers working and I feel so fortunate to have you all on the team.
Steve W told us of the latest update and forwarded your blogsite to us. We enjoyed reading it and especially seeing the pictures.
We have you on our prayer list at church and in the prayer ministry, also through church. JW also has you on her special prayer chain. One of R's colleagues also has you on her prayer chain at church.
We pray that your physicians are very skilled in their diagnosis and in the surgery and follow-up treatment and that healing will be constant and noticeable.
We will continue to watch for updates to the blog.
We wish all of you God's blessing and that His healing presence will surround you for as long as you will need Him.
Dear Beth & Family - Your blog keeps us close to you and helps us to share your frustrations, your courage, and your extraordinary will to overcome these challenges. It reassures us that you have the skills and strength to KNOW you'll be OK.
Your tale of the "breakout" lunch at Del Taco has me chuckling everytime I think of it, because I feel your spirit therein. Your refusal to accept depressing surroundings and willingness to change a "waiting game" into a brief moment of relief, if not joy, with your husband and kids, is just the right attitude to have.
Although you might've picked better place to grab some grub - how can anyone eat lunch at Del Taco and not expect to have some sort of issue with their colon? What? You couldn't find a Tommy's?
Beth, Steve and family, we love you and you are in our prayers. Kathy's family also sends their love and prayers for a successful surgery.
We anxiously await for your next posting.
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