Friday, August 21, 2009

More Progress

Yesterday Beth had her doctor's appointment at the City of Hope. The wife and I went up to Long Beach to babysit the triplets while Beth and Steve were gone. I'd spoken on the phone with Beth the day before and she didn't sound good. The fatigue was audible and her spirits were low, so I was preparing myself to see the worst. It turns out that wasn't necessary. She looked great! Apart from the pic line hanging from her arm, she looked as good as she did before the big surgery. Her energy seemed pretty good, and if not for a meltdown from one of the triplets I'm sure her spirits would have been good as well. After a few hours they returned and Beth plopped down on the couch. The trip had pretty much drained her, but she was able to sit and chat for a while. The doctors removed the pic line, which both Beth and Steve were excited about. Apparently, the pumps for the pic line are quite noisy, and if the line gets kinked or the battery is low an alarm will go off which makes for a long and sleepless night. Her incision is healing very well and is not giving her any trouble at all. Mostly, she is struggling with terrible fatigue and nausea.


Auntie Barbara said...

Hi Beth,
This is great news! So glad you are feeling better even though it has taken so much longer. I check the blog several times a day and am so thankful for the updates. Your brother is doing such a great job! We are all still praying for you and sending healing thoughts your way. Please give each other big hugs from us, we miss all of you so much. Love from Arizona

Mrs. Janet said...

Hi Beth and Steve, Progress is good even if it is slow. I wish it could happen on your time table but we all know that is not always how things go, right? I would be MORE than happy to take the kids for you anytime. I really mean that. I love them and they are so good for me, so add me to your babysitting roster!! You are in my thoughts and prayers, as always. Thank you to your brother for this wonderful blog. Steve....hope you are doing well also! much love, Janet

Aunt Dene said...

Just thinking of you with lots of love. Hugs and kisses to all.

Cory Meisner said...

Just wanted you to know I am still checking up on you. take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well Beth, I am sitting here writing the 77th Street story and the stopper you gave me for Christmas just popped out of the soda bottle so I figured it was time to say Hi. I hope and pray that you're continuing to make progress...Buzz