I've been a bit of a basket case lately while waiting for the PET scan results. I tried to prepare myself for all possible scenarios but I soon realized that if the doctor told me the cancer was back, I would be a mess in every way. And the more I rehearsed in my head how it would go if I got bad news, the more devastated I became. Depressed, I suppose, is the exact word. It's hard to describe the way this whole thing messes with your head. I try desperately to be positive and secure in knowing there is a bigger plan for me. But there is no security. And unavoidably there are dark moments when I am forced to wonder what would happen if my kids needed me and I was no longer there. It got bad recently when Omar Rodriguez passed away. That hit hard.
I didn't tell anyone, not even Steve about the way I was feeling. I didn't want to worry anyone. I've had a few strange physical symptoms lately including headaches, severe fatigue, and an occasional burning in my chest. Anyway, Steve and I drove up to Pasadena today for the appointment with Dr. McNamara. We mostly listened to Mark & Brian on the radio and didn't talk much. I was too distracted by my own thoughts to carry on a conversation. As it turns out, he was feeling much the same. We arrived at the appointment early and went in for the blood work. After labs, we headed to the 3rd floor to see the doctor. When we arrived in the waiting room, we saw a woman about my age sitting there. We saw her earlier in the waiting room for lab work and I couldn't help noticing the scarf on her head, hiding the inescapable hair loss from chemo. She was there with what appeared to be a female friend or perhaps a relative and she mentioned to the friend about her chemo infusion she would be having that day after she saw Dr. McNamara. But now she was sitting near us in McNamara's waiting room.
We sat in the waiting room for a few minutes when we heard Dr. McNamara's voice. As I listened, I could hear him walking toward the waiting room. At that moment he appeared, walking with a patient to the elevator and talking about some subject not at all familiar to me. He shook hands with the patient, who got on the elevator, and turned. He walked right past the woman with the scarf and came directly to me, which I was not at all expecting. He extended his right hand as he said, "Congratulations! Your scan looked great!" Steve and I both gasped with excitement and relief. We shook the doctor's hand and then hugged him. He said he would see us in a few minutes and then he walked back to the examination rooms.
Steve and I began to cry. I was so very relieved. Steve was relieved. And then it hit me. The woman. The woman in the scarf. What about the woman in the scarf??? As I dabbed my eyes with a kleenex, I looked in her direction. She was facing away from us, staring straight ahead and I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking after what had just unfolded in front of her. This was such a bittersweet moment for me. Call it empathy or compassion, I don't know. But my heart just ached. My heart ached for the woman in the scarf. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be ok. Instead I sat there and closed my eyes and said a prayer for her. I said a prayer for her like all of you did for me.
Not a moment too soon, the nurse called the woman in the scarf. And shortly after that I was called. The appointment with Dr. McNamara was great. The best possible news. I read the PET scan report which said, "The pet scan is now negative. There is no evidence of residual or recurrent malignancy." Dr. McNamara said he can't wait to show the report to Dr. Paz. Funny...
Hi Sister...That's wonderful, amazing news! I'm so happy for all of us :o). In reading your post and even reading the one before, I got a very strong sense that you are done with that life chapter. It's gone. Case closed. The experience showed up to help you change your life, drastically. It was a major wake up call. You got the message, made the changes you needed to and now are on a totally different path...a healthier path for your mind, body, spirit, family, community and world. And, I know the woman in the scarf felt your overwhelming love and compassion for her. And in return I believe she got hope from you and your news. I think God inspired Dr. McNamara to give you your news publically, to inspire hope in anyone within ear shot. There are no accidents and it was by Divine plan that you both were in the same place at the same time. You are an amazing example of how strong love and spirit are. An Inspiration for us all. Bravo, Sister! Love you to the moon and back!
Dear Beth,
This is great news! God is good and still in control. Miracles are real and you are a blessing. Thanks for letting us all in on your good news so we can celebrate and rejoice with you. We promise to keep praying and lifting you up to the Lord. Love from your Arizona family, Auntie B
FYI...I am sitting at my desk, while reading your blog (and crying!). What a long road this has been. It is hard to believe that the last time we really sat and talked was in February of 2008 at Chipotle! I think that you are amazing and I never doubted that would be able to overcome each obstacle. I hate to say it , but, "it's time to come back to work!"
Oh Beth, I'm crying too.....Stef
Such awesome news! I think of you so often and was thrilled when I saw your post tonight. I'm so glad I got to see you in March. You looked so wonderful (just as you do now) and there was no sign of what you've been through whatsoever. You are such an inspiration & a testament to the power of prayer. I think Juli said it best about the woman in the scarf. God meant for her to witness your news. And because of what you've been through you turned to Him for her and that's all he wants from us...to put our trust in Him. You are the perfect example of that. So many of us TRUSTED He would take care of you and He did. It is truly amazing. I am so happy for you. Love to you and your beautiful family!
Love, Susan
Dear Beth: What wonderful news and what an extraordinary write-up. Just reading what you wrote brought tears to my eyes too. It's really true isn't it that the deeper we go in ourselves the bigger we get. You are living proof. BTW, I'm writing about you now - don't worry, you'll be the first to see it and can make whatever changes you like. Take care of yourself. Buzz
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