Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting Out

Steve had a good weekend and he is feeling stronger each day.  He still suffers from headaches almost daily but he is getting better at recognizing the onset so he does a good job of preventing the really bad episodes.  He is trying to do a little more activity each day so that he can build up his strength and stamina which is also helping his attitude and perspective.  Consequently, he is also doing more to help me with his daily care, making a mean protein smoothie and flushing his own feeding tube.  He said again today, as he does everyday, he is so grateful for his second chance and he has absolutely no complaints.

Tomorrow Steve has his first appointment for a follow up with the vascular surgeon, Dr. Rowe, who consulted with Dr. Hanpeter on the injury to the vein in Steve's chest.  Steve has been very lucky that he has not had anymore swelling in his left arm since he was in the hospital.  Initally, the vascular surgeon at Holy Cross said that Steve would have lifelong edema in that arm.  But so far, so good (knock on some derivative of wood).  I will be very curious to hear what the doctor says tomorrow and I am wondering if he believes that the swelling is gone for good or if he anticipates the edema will return when Steve becomes more active.

As I mentioned, Steve has had some good days lately and today was no exception.  Earlier in the day I dragged him with me to Whole Foods and after that he went with me to pick the kids up from school.  This was Steve's first opportunity to see the kids' wonderful teacher, Mrs. Sauers.  Before Steve's incident, he volunteered in our kids' class every Friday and after the incident, one of the first things he asked when he could speak was if Mrs. Sauers understood why he couldn't be there on Fridays. (OF COURSE she did)  It was very important for him to see her and explain for himself why he couldn't be there and how even if he was well enough, he thought his appearance would be a distraction to the kids.  But kids are so amazing.  The kids who have seen Steve really seem relieved that he's ok.  Some have raced to hug him and some just make sure to wave and say hello.  I believe that even in their five or six year-old minds, they are truly happy just to see him again.  For me, there has been so much healing in looking at Steve through the eyes of those kids.  Because after they give him that hug or the wave hello, it's back to business as usual.  Time to move on...there's way too much playing on the playground to do.  And watching that, I feel a delicate, almost ethereal, sense of reassurance that someday very soon, he will be volunteering on Fridays again.   


Martha said...

That is so awesome that the kids were ok and happy to see him!!! Im so happy he is doing good, good luck and God bless you and your family.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi guys! it is amazing how resilient children are. we can learn a lot from how they handle things. i hope you get good news from the doctor! whole foods is a good trip to make. steve can start planning what he wants to eat when he can have solid food again! keep doin' what you're doin'! joyce

Jenn Wills said...

Sometimes I think that kids are the BEST medicine!! They just want to know that everything is going to be ok...and they truly believe it will!

So glad to hear Steve is getting out and about more...I'm sure it's great for his mental health! Yours too, Beth.

I believe Steve will be back in the classroom in no time!! And he'll pick right back up where he left off....being productive and loved by all the kiddos!
