Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day and All Things Are Possible!

I feel so incredibly blessed.  I was fortunate enough to spend this weekend with the most important fathers in my life.  Yesterday, we had an "official" family birthday party for my kids' 7th birthday and we invited all of our local extended family over for a BBQ and swimming.  I couldn't believe how lucky we got with the weather.  For the days leading up to Saturday, the marine layer had been so thick it actually rained and then if it cleared up at all, it was just for an hour or so in the afternoon.  But yesterday around 10:30 in the morning, the sun started peeking through and by noon, there was hardly a cloud in the sky.  The temperature was perfect and it turned out to be a beautiful day.  By 3:00 in the afternoon, the guests arrived and the kids and their cousins swam in the pool, had a water gun fight, and snacked on watermelon wedges while sitting on their towels poolside.

We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and my talented and dear photographer sister snapped father photos to add to our tangible memories of the perfect day.  After birthday cake, we made a champagne toast to the most important men in our lives and how grateful we were that we were all together to celebrate.  My favorite part of the day was when the swimming, the meal, the birthday celebration, and all the father's day festivities were all but over and I finally had a chance to sit down and enjoy a drink with my husband and my dad. 


I've learned a lot from my dad over the years:  1.  Check the oil in your car regularly.  2.  Keep your eye on the ball.  3.  Bring your own bottle of wine into the restaurant when you can, it's much cheaper.   I could go on and on about the practical things.  But as we sat there talking, my dad said something he's said a lot throughout the years, a "Dadism" if you will.  And it's something so much more important than any of the practical things he's taught me.  This year it dawned on me that it has new meaning to me as an adult and especially in light of recent events.  So, these are my dad's words of wisdom:  "All things are possible."  He's so right.  Anything is possible, and not in a sarcastic way.  I think I've finally realized lately what that means.  If we just relax and open ourselves to the possibilities, knowing that right where we are in this moment is the perfect place for us to be, then all things ARE possible.  I had been so worried about the weather and the likelihood that the marine layer would ruin the kids' party.  But then I decided that instead I would relax, enjoy the day, and be open for anything.  Lo and behold, the weather was perfect.

Dad, Happy Father's Day!  I love you!

To my wonderful husband, thank you for fighting to be here.  I couldn't do this without you.  You are my everything.  Happy father's day and I love you!

One thing I love about this blog is the input from reader comments.  So I'm curious, what words of wisdom have you received from your Dad?  Mark Geiger, I know you're out there somewhere and I'm sure you have some of your own hysterical words of wisdom.  I would love to hear from anyone who wants to honor their Dad by contributing in the comments any words of wisdom.


Anonymous said...

You never give up on yourself or anyone else......

Jenkins Family said...

I love that one.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

always buy your own tools, never borrow them.

wish in one hand and shit in the other.

my father was not much of a philosopher!!!

Jenn Wills said...

The day they throw the first shovel of dirt on my casket is the day I stop fathering you.

But I think I'll still be learning from him even long after he's gone...I'm SO blessed!!

Cousin Monica said...

Don't really know, my Dad past away when i was in my late child hood.. My best memory is when he took us to the movies in Newport Beach to see the movie " JAWS." So Glad Steven is here to have many more Fathers Days to come....Very happy that the weather behaved itself for the party..It is cloudy and rainy here in Tacoma all the time.. the one thing i miss about Cali is the wonderful sun ray beaming from the sun..Just like all the wonderful smiles in all your pictures...Love cousin Monica....

Auntie Barbara said...

Steven, so glad you had a wonderful Father's Day with your beautiful family. You deserve it because you are an amazing father and YOU LOOK FABULOUS!

The best advice my father gave me many, many years ago was, "Don't buy anything you can't pay for in cash, with the exception of your house and your car." He was a business man, can you tell. Love to all!

Anonymous said...

"Let your work speak for who you are." I miss you grandpa....