Monday, June 13, 2011

Hidden Treasures

It took me all weekend to break out of the funk I was in after the doctor's appointment Steve had with Dr. Urata late Friday.  And I just had a moment of absolute validation for why I write this blog when I read the latest comment on the last post, "Heroes of Station 91."  More about that later.

Last Friday, we drove to Glendale, through Friday afternoon LA traffic and with kids in tow, for a 4:15 appointment with Dr. Urata.  I had high hopes for the appointment as I thought there was a very good possibility that Steve would have his jaw unwired at that appointment.  At the very least, I anticipated scheduling a doctor's appointment in the very near future for Steve to have his jaw unwired.  And by "near future" I was thinking like maybe a week or less.  Man was I wrong.

Dr. Urata reviewed Steve's xray from a few weeks ago.  He didn't order another one as he thought it was a little too soon for another xray.  He said things are going as well as they can be going at this point which is great news.  However, Dr. Urata wanted to keep Steve's jaw wired for at least another three to four more weeks.  Then he said that after Steve has his jaw unwired, he will keep the external pin fixator on for another two to three months.  After that, it's just wait and see to monitor how the bone is healing.  It will be a long time (6 to 8 months) before they reevaluate and decide if and when they will do a bone graft.  Finally, a long, long time from now, they will decide when they will start working on dental implants.

After the appointment, Steve and I were both feeling pretty deflated, our hope somewhat diminished.  I think for some reason, it finally settled into our conciousness that this is going to be a very long and dilatory process.  Steve, ever the optimist, kept saying, "I'm just so happy I'm alive."  I, on the other hand, had a hard time hiding my disappointment and regret for Steve having to endure this.  I've watched Steve closely as we all sit down to dinner with food on our plates and he has a glass of whatever he can drink through a straw.  And I've listened to his stomach growling in bed at night when he's asleep but never once has he complained.  Every time I've made him another bowl of soup and served it to him with a heaping side of apology, I've thought to myself that his jaw would be unwired soon and I could finally serve him a decent meal.  Then Dr. Urata dealt us the blow of having to wait four more weeks.  My frustration soon gave way to my own flashbacks and the ensuing hemorrage of grief and stress and trauma this incident has caused for all of us.

I stayed away from the blog for most of the weekend as I just didn't have it in me to write.  Finally today I logged back in and there before me was a gracious, hearfelt and beautifully composed comment from Fire Capt. Darby.  After reading the comment, my hope and positivity resurfaced and I realized that Steve is absolutely right, he is alive and healthy and my disappointment is just a matter of mindset.  In the meantime, the kids started guitar lessons today and when the instructor asked the kids if they were going to work hard practicing, Janie emphatically remarked, "My mom said that we never ever quit!"  I said that?!  I should have paid more attention to this fortune I got at dinner over the weekend.  The comments from my daughter and Capt. Darby were my hidden treasures:


jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi guys! sorry you are so disappointed but i was not surprised at all. after my bone graft, which was tiny compared to steve's, i had to wait a year until they could start on the implants. even when all of this is done, you have to toughen the bone gradually by chewing little by little on it. since steve's area is so large, all of this will take longer than usual. the good part is that once all the pins are out, he will probably be able to eat soft foods on the other side. it is a very slow process but at least it is possible. not too many years ago this would have been devastating. hang in there! joyce

Martha Rios said...

Although it will be a long process, atleast things are healing correctly and everything is going the way doctors want them to. You guys are really great and I will continue to pray for the whole family.

Jeff said...

We will continue to pray and send all our love and support for you and your family. Hang in there, we are here for the long haul. Take care.

Michelle said...

My thoughts and prayers have been with you all since day one. Steve has come a really long way, and it doesn't amaze me that he's been able to bounce back so quickly. Dr. Urata has done work on my son, so you're in good hands. Beth, everything you've endured is inconceivable to me, but your courage and strength are beyond belief. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Great smile Steve! Here's a lil saying I find fits many families, in many different ways: "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all"! Hang in there during this roller coaster ride!!

Bowens said...

Happy fathers day Steve. What a great day to celebrate!!

Jenn Wills said...

Just got back last night from church mission trip to Eastern Kentucky....couldn't wait to see what the Jenkins Gossip was while we were gone.

Steve, I'm sorry it's going to be longer than expected are SO are alive to deal with it.

Beth, I love it when you find the hidden treasures and share...for they ARE treasures!

As I write this I can't help but think.....this is going to be ONE GREAT FATHER'S DAY at the Jenkins house! Enjoy every minute of it!!

Happy Father's Day Steve!!!!

Susan said...

Happy Father's Day, Steve! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family. You continue to be a blessing and inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work! Love to all of you.
Love, Susan