Thursday, June 2, 2011

No More Feeding Tube

It's been a good week.  Steve had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Hanpeter on Tuesday and it was a celebratory appointment.  Dr. Hanpeter removed Steve's feeding tube...YAY!  He told Steve it would hurt a lot and Steve didn't even flinch.  So the doctor told Steve he thought Steve had a high pain tolerance which made Steve really proud.  For Steve, having the feeding tube removed was one more indubitable step toward getting well.  Although he has a long road ahead with his jaw reconstruction, he is feeling very positive.  For now, Dr. Hanpeter continues to monitor Steve's blood as he is still on Coumadin which Steve is taking so the blood clot in his chest doesn't get any bigger and also to assist the smaller veins which are now compensating for the obliterated subclavian vein.  But Dr. Hanpeter will likely not see Steve for any more follow up appointments since he has done so well.  That made the appointment with Dr. Hanpeter even more special.  Steve thanked Dr. Hanpeter for saving his life but how do you thank someone for saving your life?  There aren't any words to really express something like that.  Regardless, Steve shook the doctor's hand and we walked out of the office feeling a mixture of emotions:  joyful, relieved, sentimental.  What a way to end a relationship with someone who became such an important figure in our lives in such a turbulent and short amount of time.  Dr. Hanpeter will always be our hero.

I also want to address a comment that was made on the last post where an anonymous person asked how the Los Angeles Police Department was treating me in regard to my time at work (good question and thank you for your interest).  I would just like to publicly say that the Department has been extremely good to us and very fair about my time.  The command staff understands that Steve is absolutely my first priority and he requires my undivided attention and assistance with his care which includes, among many other things, multiple doctors appointments as well constant cleaning and care of the pins of his external pin fixator.  It's difficult to find the words to express my sincere gratitude to the Los Angeles Police Department, in particular Metropolitan Division and 77th Division for their generosity, kindness and understanding.  To the LAPD and all of its command staff, officers and civilian employees, I say a very sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU.  Both Steven and I have never been more proud to be Los Angeles Police Officers.  The LAPD truly is the greatest law enforcement organization in the world.  


Auntie Barbara said...

Dear Steven and Beth,
This post just made my day! Such great news...Thank you, Lord, for answering prayer. It must be nice to finally take a BIG deep breath full of gratitude. I know we all are here. So happy to share in your glorious Blessings! Love to all...

Cousin Monica said...

So does Steven get to eat?? or does he still have to drink smoothies? So glad that he is doing so good, and you Beth are such a beautiful woman, so strong and supportive...WOMAN OF THE YEAR....
Love, cousin Monica oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi guys!!! what great news and another huge step in your recovery! i was watching tv the other day and they were showing jaw reconstruction surgery. i am betting this is the same way they will do steve's. they use a titanium bar (it sort of looks like a bicycle chain) and bolt it to the stable jaw bone. think bridge support here! then they add the pelvic bone and bolt that to the bar and the bone as well. it looked very impressive. one of the good things about downing all these smoothies is you must be getting a lot of calcium which s excellent for bone health! have you experimented with any savory smoothies yet? joyce

jen sonnen said...

So glad to read that Steve is doing well. I just gotta say, Trader Joes tomato soup and I think they have a butternut squash one too...yum. Anyway, just dropping by to say hello and luv you guys!

Anonymous said...

With Steve having soup for birthday dinner, I'm guessing he's still on a pureed diet (bummer). But with him getting so much stronger and active and summer around the corner, I'm thinking he's going to need something to pack and carry his meals. I found a great thermos at target, its $25, but well worth the money. Its designed to keep food hot/cold for 24hrs; I haven't kept anything in it that long, but I've used mine and its kept shakes perfectly frothy for 15+hrs. Might be a helpful investment. (Made by Thermos, comes in green or pink - pick your favorite!) Love hearing the healing progress and the family stories!