Aside from all that, however, Steve did have an ultrasound and doctor's appointment with Dr. Rowe, the vascular surgeon, at USC on Tuesday. Ultimately, what we found out was that the subclavian vein and the axillary vein are both looking pretty good. Those veins overlap in the shoulder and it appears that the injury happened somewhere around there. According to Dr. Rowe, that is a "gray area" as far as determining the extent of the damage because of the overlap of the veins. However, the vein that was damaged appears to be partially healing which is very good news. Dr. Rowe ordered Steve to stay on the Coumadin (blood thinner) at least one more month to allow the best possible circulation and then he will return for another appointment in three months.
We were all pretty tired after that appointment because it took a VERY long time just to see the doctor...apparently he was triple booked or something. After my cancer experience, I have a hard time waiting hours on end for a doctor's appointment. In fact, I get pretty crazy about that. So while Steve waited for his appointment, I took the kids to one of my favorite places, the cafeteria. I don't know why, but I have a fascination and secret love for cafeterias. I think the aroma of food combined with the anticipation being able to choose from a variety of different foods propagates a certain exhilaration. And then seeing all the doctors in their white lab coats and scrubs makes me feel like I'm in an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It's all very intoxicating.
I dragged Steve to the cafeteria for this picture
The kids had their second guitar lesson this week. I took pictures because they looked so cute. And if anyone ever tells you your kid is too young for guitar lessons at age six or seven, well they're wrong. My kids are doing great with it and they love it!
Friday we visited my dad in the hospital, he had his hip replaced on Wednesday. Thank God it went well and Dad looks great.
The trip to see Dad in the hospital prompted a funny conversation with Steve about a flashback he had of being at USC University Hospital. Being in the hospital reminded Steve of the little, middle-aged Hispanic nurse's aide who took all his pride away. After she would help Steve clean up after he used the bedside commode, she would powder him up, say, "Ok m'hijo!" and give him a swift little slap in the butt. Ay caramba! And poor Steve literally couldn't say a word. I know some might say this is too much information but Steve and I have learned that it is not the embarassments, mistakes or failures that make us who we are. The truth is that it is the person we choose to be and the love we give and receive despite those embarassments, mistakes or failures that makes us who we are.
i think you always have to remember that once those nurses see one naked but, they pretty much all look the same! everyone looks great including elmer!
Beth and Steve: Please say hello to Marlen and Elmer for me. Your Dad always has my back especially when Mr. Wills takes his shots at me :) The photos reminded me of just how important it is to have the unconditional love and support of family! Just a few years ago I remember sitting in the waiting room at City of Hope with Steve and your family waiting for your surgery to be completed....several months ago we sat waiting and watching Steve at USC....and just a few days ago there you are at yet another hospital for your Dad.....I know it has been said many times how inspirational your journey has been to all of us who are blessed to "stand on the sidewalk" and experience the faith, hope and love of an extraordinary family...Your family has made me so much more thankful, appreciative and grateful for my family. FAMLIES ARE FOREVER :)
And I though I was the only one who liked cafeterias, haha. When my mom had cancer I was in alot of different hospital cafeterias and I also enjoyed the environment. My family thinks im crazy. Im so glad to hear that things are going good with Steves recovery. Take care.
Ok mijo! I needed that laugh today...That just might be the new greeting everytime I see Steve..
ps. I love cafeterias too for the same reason.
To Bob Arcos,
Steve Wills only takes shots at the ones he "loves".....which means I was the most loved little sister in the WORLD growing up! However, I lived to tell about it...and he's one of my heroes...the bonus for've had to endure it a far shorter time. :)
hi guys! i thought i would update you on our local richard poplawski trial. he is the guy that shot and killed the 3 officers here 2 years ago. he was charged with 28 counts. very quickly, with the defense calling no witnesses, they found him guilty on all charges. in less than 2 hours the jury, from the other side of the state, voted for the death penalty. i think we will see the execution a lot sooner than the typical 7 years or more because they want to send a message to people who shoot police.
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