Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Guest Blogger Is In

Hello everyone. It's Beth's brother Mike. I'll be guest blogging while Beth is recovering from surgery and wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself and let you know what to expect from me in the coming days.

First off, because she's a loving sister she talked me up quite a bit. I had a hard time getting my head through the door for a while and then it dawned on me that you'd all be expecting greatness. Contrary to what she'd have you believe, I don't walk on water or anything like that. However, I do plan on doing my best to keep you all updated on the surgery and her condition afterward. I'll be there at the hospital tomorrow (the 29th) and will post an update as soon as I know anything.

Second, I'd like to thank you all for the heartfelt prayers, positive thoughts, and encouragement you've given Beth. It gives me and my family comfort knowing so many wonderful people are pulling for her.

Finally, I'd like to say that through all of this my sister has inspired me in many ways. Some things are simple, like appreciating the small things in life. Others are a little more daunting, like a marathon. I'm still working on that one. I've changed the way I eat and the way I exercise. I've learned to take charge of my life and my body, and to envision perfect health. Ironically, Beth and I have a similar vision, which is why the picture below is hanging on my fridge.

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