Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back on the Up and Up

I just got some encouraging news. Beth is looking good and feeling better. Earlier today her hemoglobin count was very low, so she received four units of blood. The nurse said that wasn't unusual for patients that receive chemotherapy. Apparently the chemo wreaks havoc on the red blood cells. Her color is back, and her face isn't puffy like it was. She's alert and able to hold a conversation. At one point she asked the nurse for something to eat. The doctor gave the o.k., so the nurse gave her crackers and a nutritional drink called Boost. Beth was able to keep it all down, and even felt good enough to go on two walks with Steve and two walks with Mom. She got a bit anxious and uncomfortable in the afternoon, so the nurse gave her a mild sedative.

For those keeping score at home, this is the fifth room for Beth at City of Hope. Ever the advocate, Steve let it be known to the nurse that he didn't want her moved all over creation like last time. The nurse didn't make any promises, but I'm sure she got the message.


Aunt Dene said...

This news is most welcomed, Michael. thank you. I stay in constant prayer that all is well for all of you.

I'd definitely want Steve as my advocate-keep up the good work, Steve-what a blessing you are! But I'm still betting on that auditorium as soon as she feels a little better. Much love to all.

Mrs. Janet said...

I have been gone for a week and I just got caught up with the blog entries...WOW! so much has happened. My heart breaks for Beth & the family. So, much pain...I know it is not all in vain! Beth will conquer this! I appreciate the info updates so much, thank you for that. I hold you in my thoughts and prayers, all day, everyday!!! Steve, I'm very proud of you! You are a good man. All my love, Janet

Teri said...

Beth, I can't even imagine what it must be like for you. But all I can say is this: You will be home soon. All of this will pass and just be a crazy memory and your happy, hectic, normal life will be back with a vengeance. Don't change your style, tactics or lose your fight. Things will be better soon. I miss you and look forward to our girls night out!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Beth. Buzz