Saturday, August 15, 2009

Slow Going

Well, it's been a few days and Beth is finding the whole recovery process to be agonizingly slow. She's still eating and keeping everything down, but her energy is low. She just wants to feel normal, and because she doesn't she is very emotional. She has an appointment with Dr. Paz this coming Thursday. Hopefully between now and then her body will cooperate a little bit.


Aunt Dene said...

Dearest Beth,
I can only encourage your patience through this healing process. Your "go get em" Spirit is housed in a DNA mass of cells and electrons that have been terribly assaulted even though necessary. If you were not emotional, repressed feelings from the unconscious that knows everything that's happened would negatively effect the process. Respect the slowness of the body's miracle occurring, after all, this body has millions of tiny synergistic processes to make happen while still protecting itself from anything threatening its survival. Isn't it amazing that the body's processes go on miraculously without our help. In spite of all that's transpired, your toes wiggle, your smile can be elicited by K,R,J and your eyes can behold the wonders of Steve's glances of love, respect, and protective instincts for you. You are doing an awesome job just allowing, breathing as deep as possible, and deciding to Trust. You were made perfect and you will be restored to that perfection.

I ran across a divine decree years ago, and have been using it daily as a prayer for your healing, about the atoms, molecules and cells conforming with the inner blueprint of the Son of God in whose Image you were and are "fearfully and wonderfully made." "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord with the Psalmist who shouted for joy and said "I will praise Thee, for I AM fearfully and wonderfully made!"

I will send you the whole decree, but for now here is part of it, especially the refrain:

1. I AM God's perfection manifest
In body, mind, and soul-
I AM God's direction flowing
to heal and make me whole.
O atoms, cells, electrons
within this form of mine,
Let heaven's own perfection
Make me now divine!

The spirals of Christ wholeness
Enfold me by his might
I AM the Master Presence
Commanding, "Be all light!"

2. I AM God's perfect image:
My form is charged by love;
Let shadows now diminish,
Be blessed by Comfort's Dove!

3. O blessed Jesus, Master dear,
Send thy ray of healing here;
Fill me with they life above,
Raise me in thine arms of love!

I'll send the entire decree, Beth.
But I say it daily in series of 3's on your behalf. Three is dynamic in Spirit (the Trinity, a triangle in the universe).

I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Beth as I'm heading off for a week. I'll follow your progress and you'll be in my prayers. Buzz

sandee said...

Beth, Steve and 3 little munchkins! I saw Mrs. Janet today and she gave me your blog site - glad to catch up on your family but sorry for your "summer to forget". My thoughts and prayers are with you all - an amazing family in the best of times - even MORE amazing in the WORST of times. Your story is so incredible to read - I love the way you write. Even when you felt like you were "complaining" - what an inspiration you were to me (and probably many others) to not take life for granted. Maybe you should consider a book?? (: Love and good thoughts to you all and especially to J, K and R. Mrs. Sandee

Michelle said...

Hi Beth,
I can't even begin to try to understand what you are going through. I sometimes don't even know what to say, but I do want you to know that I am thinking of you constantly and praying for your quick recovery. Checking this blog has made it way into my daily routine. I was away for awhile and didn't have access to a computer and one of the first things I did when I got home was to check in on your blog. Your story, strength and attitude have completely amazed and inspired me. Take care Beth and know so many people are fighting with you.
Love, Michelle

Juli said...

Hi high school when I got up in the dark for early morning swim practice, Dad used to say, "It's always darkest before the dawn." At that young age I observed the physical truth of the saying, but as an adult I see the Truth in that quote. It won't be long now. Soon you will be hitting the pavement going for long satisfying runs and back at work taking the bad guys to jail and this whole thing will be a distant memory. What will remain is the forever changed life perspective. So for now, please be gentle with yourself and allow your beautiful body to do its perfect work. Then before you know it, it will be dawn and the light will shine even brighter as you take on the rest of your life with even more gusto! I love you and am always here for you.

Mrs. Janet said...

Oh Beth, what can I say. You would not be human if this process didn't get the better of you sometimes! Frustrating as it may be, you WILL do this thing you have to do! I am touched again and again by all the love and support you have around you. You are so blessed in so many ways. Let yourself break down, it's natural and healthy! You have been through so much and your healing is going to be slow; scream, yell, cry, then get your game attitude back on. It's okay! I only wish i could take some of the load off of you somehow. I'm not alone in feeling that way either. I hope you can feel just how much you are cared for and by so many. Kiss those babies for me, they are such joys! You are awesome and strong....and human! Love Janet