Monday, July 27, 2009

Church and My Affirmation Picture

I went to church with Juli on Sunday. I went with her because I haven't found a church near my house that suits me so I headed south. And since Juli speaks so highly of her minister, I figured I had nothing to lose if I just went to hear what she had to say. Luckily, the message during that service was loud and clear and I felt as though the "sermon" was spoken specifically for me. I won't go into specifics but after the service, I was able to speak privately with the minister regarding the upcoming surgery on Wednesday. Rev. Heather instructed me to find a picture of myself from before I was diagnosed when I knew I was perfectly healthy. Sadly, I couldn't find a picture of when I knew I was perfectly healthy. I really thought long and hard about a time when I felt absolutely perfectly healthy and I couldn't recall a time... So I did the next best thing. I cut out a picture of Dara Torres from a "Got Milk?" ad in this month's Shape Magazine and I glued my face on her body. Then underneath, I wrote the affirmation that Rev. Heather created specifically for me, "Perfect health is natural and is now mine always and in all ways."

Although the picture looks a little hokey with MY face on THAT body, my idea of the picture of perfect health is represented by Dara Torres, the 40-something Olympic swimmer. AND, I realized that I really really want those abs!!! So since I am having my third abdominal surgery in 6 months, I thought I would let the universe sort out how I'll have those abs one day.


Aunt Dene said...

I can see your beautiful face on that body Beth, and the truth of your affirmation is what I'll continue to confirm with you. Your creativity is endless - just love that you found your ideal pic to share with us. Love you.

Juli said...

Yikes! I want that body too! Actually it looks really good on you :o). I always thought you had abs of least compared to mine. I enjoyed having you and the kids join the girls and me at church. It was fun! I will include your affirmation in all my prayers and know it is done. I love you very, very much xxxooo Juli

Auntie Barbara said...

Hi Beth,
I don't know why you want to look like Dara...when you get through all this, Dara is going to want to look like YOU! All of us here are standing with you and believing that: all things ARE possible :) especially perfect health and perfect ABS. Our prayers and thoughts of knowing, that you ARE whole and perfect in spirit, mind, and body just as God created you in the beginning. We love you all, say hi to Steven, K,R,J, and Me-Mom too. Love from Arizona

Susan said...

I've been wanting to write before your surgery & didn't get a chance until tonight when I saw your latest post. That is so awesome! Your strength (abs or not) & beautiful smile are such an inspiration to me. I want you to know you're consuming my thoughts tonight, knowing your readying yourself for tomorrow. I hope you can feel the love, support & prayers from all of us who love you. Most of all, I hope & pray you feel God's presence & His love for you right now more than ever. I will be looking forward to hearing good news. Love, Susan