Last night Steve mentioned how Beth would enjoy looking back on the posts to see what was happening while she was in surgery and the ICU. That gave me an idea, and I'd like to recruit all of you to give Beth a nice gift. I know it's a hassle to create an account so you can post a comment, so with password in hand I've opened up the comments to include anyone that would like to say a few words. No account necessary. For those of you that are technologically challenged, instructions are included below. Even though there is an option to post anonymously, I ask that you include your name so that Beth can see just how many of you are supporting her.
Comment Instructions:
1. At the bottom right side of the post click on the comments link. It will have a number followed by the word comments and looks like this: 0 comments
2. Type your comments in the space provided under "Leave your comment."
3. Choose your identity. If you have an account, you can log in. If not, select "Name/URL" and type your name. Don't worry about the URL, just leave it blank.
4. Click "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" and you're done.
You are so amazing and have been so strong thru this whole process. I love how your optimism and positive spirit are so evident. You inspire others and I feel thankful that we re-connected last summer! Can't wait to have you back posting on your own again!
Love Steph
RHS - "88
Thinking of you constantly and knowing each and every cell in your body is filled with love and light creating perfect health (and a body that resembles Dara Torres :o). I love you so much. Juli
Sweetie, I thought about you all day long yesterday and was glad to read Michael's posts so we knew what was happening - it kept us from feeling soooo far away.
And today I am still thinking about you and wanted to tell you how very much I love you.
Aunt Kathleen
This is your Aunt Kathy's brother David (Jake's other godparent). I've been checking your blog once every couple of weeks since Kathy shared it with me back in March. Let's just say that she passed on the address to build the network of prayers coming in. I keep abreast for 2 reasons: to see how you are doing, and as a source of butt-kicking inspiration. I read this blog and am reminded every time that it doesn't matter if you get knocked down, it only matters if you get back up. You are proof of that. You and your family are in more prayers than you know...
-- David
Your brother has done a fine job with the blog. Way to go Mike! I was checking it all day while you were in surgery. Not only have you constantly been in my thoughts and prayers, but my family's as well. I even read the updates to my mom last night. She said that she and my dad have been praying the rosary for you every night. My brother and sister are praying for you too and read your blog as well. Even my "computer-challenged" brother has been texting me, asking how you are. You are in J & M's prayers and they check out your blog too (in between You-Tubing and World-of-Warcrafting). By the way, I saw Toni (neighbor that moved) and she said to let you know that she's a phone call away if you ever need her. So while you are recuperating, know that your fan club is praying for you and wishing you so much love.
Aunt Kathy (and Uncle Joe, J & M)
I'm thinking about you constantly & so glad to hear you're doing well. You have people from all over the country loving & praying for you. How awesome is it to witness all of our prayers being answered?! You have taught so many so much by sharing your experience. Hang in there and be well. Love, Susan
Hi Beth,
Along with everyone around the country, I was checking your post every two hours yesterday and today. (Thank you Mike) As you know we are all fighting and praying with and for you. I know God will shower you with his grace. You are so amazing. I have all these thoughts about you and I was thinking maybe after all this is over we should try to have a big reunion (family and friends alike) to celebrate your recovery?! Anyway hang tough like always and God bless you.
Love, Michelle
By the way my dad wanted me to leave you a message: He loves you and is so proud of you and wishes you well.
Hi Beth,
I am so happy that the Lord has answered our prayers. Even though I haven't seen you for so long, your illness has brought me so close to you. I think of you constantly and am always praying for you. I'm hoping that your recovery will be quick. Please give my love to your mom and dad,too.
You have a lot of Aunt Kathy's. Your dad's cousins from
Pittsburgh used to call us BilyJoeBob and the KKK.
Please continue to improve and know that thoughts and love are showering you from all over the country.
Love, Aunt Kathy (from New York)
Hi Beth,
Well girl, you did it Rock! Sure was nice of Mike to kept us updated throughout the day and night about your progress. You sure knew what you were doing when you picked him as "guest blogger". Anyway, so happy to know everything went as planned during surgery and it was a success. We are continuing to stand with you during your healing process. Thank goodness you have such a strong will and an equally strong husband and support group. I check the blog at least ten times a day, I'm addicted :) You are continually in our thoughts (all positive) and in our prayers.
I agree with Aunt Kat that the blogging keeps us who aren't there near you, feel as though we are not so far away. Thank goodness you started this blog and appointed Mike to keep it updated while you're resting and getting stronger everyday. Arizona loves you and we can't wait to see you and give you great big hugs. Keep looking UP! Love from Arizona ;)
I've been reading your posts for a while and am astonished by your strength. I can't tell you what an inspiration you have been to me in my daily battles with my diabetes. When I feel like whining and being pissed at God because I feel like dog dirt, I think of all the things you have written here. You and Julie and Mike. All you freakishly strong Merkovskys! THANK YOU for that. Mimi, April, Melissa and I are sending you all our love and big, tight healing hugs. Keep kicking ass, girl! Love, Jen
You and your family are so amazing. I feel so blessed to have been able watch you all from the sidelines. You are such an inspiration. You are one of the strongest people mentally I have ever taken care of. Thinking of you and our family! I figured you would come through ready to go run again. :}
Love Laura, RN
You are amazing. What a champion you have always been. We are so happy to hear such a positive progress report after faithfully watching the blog during the day of the surgery. April and I sent as much positive energy as we could and talked about all of the fun times we have all had together. We love you so much and will continue to watch for updates. Please let Steve know that either of you can call anytime for any need no matter how small. You are loved!
My 4 year old duaghter and I have been praying for you by name every night that I am home with her since I saw you in the ER in January. She asked me the names of your children so we can pray for them too. Thank you for your notes and the lapel pin. I wear it in your honor at all times at work. Your journey has touched me and my family and we will continue to pray for you and follow along here on your blog.
God Bless,
Gregory W. Bush, MD
I am so happy to hear such positive news! I am always inspired by your big smile and enduring strength and positive attitude. You truly amaze me. i have been sending out my love and prayers to you and your family everyday. You will beat this! Hoping you are feeling more like yourself very soon. Love Janet
I have been reading your blogs faithfully. Also, have you on my mind, in my heart and prayers at all times. I really never expected to see anything new since about 2 days before your surgery. I was very surprised and delighted that you would share your thoughts, doings and family with all of us. I just knew you would be busy preparing yourself and family for the surgery. Although, I don't know you personally, you are family, and I feel quite close to the Calif. relatives via this blog. When one in the family is hurting, we are all hurting. I am happy to get to hear about you guys and see pix. Please tell your mom and dad "hi"-big hugs to them- I am sure they could use hugs now. And, also, Elmer and Marlen, was very nice to see your picture Beth sent from Disneyland.
I digress. As I was saying, the day of surgery, I checked the blog every couple hours and it was nice of Michael, who did a superior job, to keep us all updated as soon as news of your progress became available. Hey, Michael, when you are "tossed out" of your job, maybe you can still blog now and then.
At any rate, Beth, your progress has me believing God has such a big and wonderful plan for you. He has shown His greatness, strength, faith and friendship to us all through you. We know your good, strong, Serbian heritage would show through and with your determination, you will have this whole episode as only a memory.
The best of all to you. I intend to light a candle at church for you on Sunday for you to keep on this great road to full recovery you are on. So, while you were in surgery, I was like one other respondent said "addicted" or obsessed with knowing how it was going.
I will leave you now to rest.
All our love and prayers are with you. Cousin Theresa from Pittsburgh
Beth,I hope this message isn't too belated that you won't look back and see it. I just got back from being gone for 2wks. and I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you all day on the 29th and me and the kids said prayers for your surgery to go well and for your recovery. It sounds like the surgery did go well and from what I have read so far on the blog, you are doing well. I am soooo happy for you and your family. You have all been so strong through this, especially you! You are awesome!Wishing all the best!Love you-Mimi
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