Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finally Peaceful

Thank you to all who read the last post and prayed for Steve to find peace.  I went home earlier to see the kids, bathe them and tuck them in for the night and when I returned, Steven was finally resting more comfortably than I'd seen him all day.  And now it's 12:30 am and I am the only one in his room and it is quiet.  He's resting peacefully and has been since 11:30.  I love being able to sit here by myself and watch him sleep.  There's something almost normal and reassuring in this quiet time when it's just the two of's familiar.  I miss him so much.

I'm staying all night so I can see the doctor when he comes in early in the morning.  Tomorrow we are going to try to keep Steven as calm and rested as possible as his first jaw reconstruction surgery is on Monday.  Dr. Urata, Dr. Hammoudeh and the team are going to set the pieces of the shattered jaw in place and wire his jaw shut.  He will also have what is called an external fixator keeping his jaw in place.  I will post more about the surgery when I know more specific details.

I would like to say a very special thank you to my sister, Juli, for the vegan meals and Jennifer Grasso who gave me a bagful of vegan treats which are going to keep me snacking all night long.  This is like the old days (2+ years ago) when I was working morning watch.  I haven't stayed up all night in over 2 years!!!  I hope I can last...

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