Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fresh Air

Last night and this morning were really rough for Steve.  All he wanted was to be able to sleep but for whatever reason, that is proving to be impossible in the hospital.  Even with sleep medication, Steve just can't sleep at all and it's been about four days now that he hasn't slept.  That combined with all the other challenges resulted in Steven's first breakdown since truly waking up from the medicated haze he was in.  He is so unbearably uncomfortable in the bed, yet he can't move freely because he's hooked up to countless monitors and tubes.  Even getting out of bed to sit in a chair right beside the bed is a twenty minute undertaking.  I think the reality of this situation is really sinking in.  The expression on Steve's face in the following picture says it all:

But late this morning, thanks to Bill, the very best RN in the whole world, things started looking up a bit.  Most nurses in the ICU won't take their patients outside for fresh air because they are hooked to so many machines and monitors, but that didn't deter Bill.  Besides Steve, Bill is our hero.  Here are a couple of pictures of Steve's 15 minute trip outside for some fresh air:

Before going outside, the physical therapist made Steven walk the hall:

Now, we're just waiting for Dr. Hanpeter to arrive so we can tell him that Steven desperately wants to go home, that he is ready to drink liquids according to the speech therapist, and that if he can't go home now, then he wants off all tubes and the monitors so he can get a decent night's sleep.

My sincerest thank you to everyone who reads this blog and says prayers or thinks positive thoughts for Steven's recovery.  We are truly grateful.  For those who have left comments and for those who are considering it, please just know that I read them to Steven all throughout the day.  He is absolutely humbled by every single word and some days that is the only thing keeping him going.  He honestly can't believe there is so much love and support for him and it is that support that is carrying my whole family. 


jen sonnen said...

Steven, you look REALLY good! Seriously guys, for going through a life threatening event all but 16 days ago...I see color in Steve's face, I see brightness in his eyes..even without sleep. I mean, the dude is coming back, man! Tell the docs he's outa there. I'm sure you are all thinking like he's going home, and so are we. Words are not enough to express what a relief it is to see him looking like his biggest challenge will be smelling food he can't eat yet while driving down the freeway on the way HOME! Continued love coming your way for quick healing. Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

STEVE YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Beth, keep up the great work and stay tough with him :) Home is just around the corner and we will all be available to help you out!!! Hope you sleep well tonight, Much love and prayers to you. Love, Joy

Anonymous said...

While I have never met Steven or Beth I will say that I am in awe of both of you! I have been reading the Jenkins family blog each day since the site was posted on the LANS and as I read it I think that "these people sure have amazing strength and character".
It's obvious from the comments of others that do know the Jenkins family, my assessment isn't far off. My thoughts are with your entire family. If I could give you only one piece of advise I would say Be kind to one another in this very challenging period.

Steven, let yourself rest because it's obvious that Beth has your back.
Thank you for letting us into your life during this very personal struggle.

Anonymous said...

Hey you two. Thanks for the update. Beth, I hope this message finds you as your just about to write another great entry. The pictures show that our prayers have been answered. Steve, you are a hero to us all. We talk about you every day in the squad room. I just got off the phone with Metro desk. Sgt Duran told me that I can bring a card by and they will get it to you. We will be dropping it off tomorrow. Hope to see you soon. Al Erkelens

B said...

I love that Steve got a chance to go outside! What a great feeling that must have been. I can't wait for the blog where they change his tube so he can talk. :)

Small baby steps will mean greater advances in the future.

Positive healings thoughts I'm sending your way and I'll throw out some sleepy time into the universe and maybe it'll come your way!

Ron Terrazas said...

That is so great to see. Say hello to Steven from Rudy and I. Also hello to my Oregon neighbor Robyn. GOD is great...

RNARCOS said...

Beth: What an amazing journey that you and Steve are on. I can't tell you how lucky we all are to be allowed to follow this incredible story of faith, courage, determimation, persistence and most of all love. Today I had to reassure all of the K9 Platoon that Steve knows we would all be lined up in the hallway to see him if we were allowed to. You have done a great job of limiting the visits to allow Steve his rest and his time to be with family. The Platoon is getting anxious to see him. Steve has always been the one we count on to pick us up with his incredible sense of humor and sharp wit. Especially when things are too serious or when that pain in the butt Lieutenant sends out emails to check their LMS or to get their late logs and reports in..sheeesh..I think I know that we all miss those times and long for him to be back on the field with us keeping us on our game. I haven't seen him in two days and I miss seeing him give me a thumbs up. I hope to see him tomm. Say hello to me-mom, Chris, Andrew, James, Ashley and the triplets...we love all of u and we will be here every step of the way.

Anonymous said...

What great pictures!!! It's amazing to see him outside when you go back and read what he has been through...Good going Steve. Crystal, Arthur, and myself read these everyday and talk about your family everyday. We watched our video of when Steve brought the dogs to church when we had police Sunday, to help us feel connected more to your family. And let me tell you when the kids came this past Sunday, we went nuts!!! The 5 of us, Crystal, myself and the kids had a group hug that felt so wonderful... A real "in the moment" hug... Right away they colored pics and gave them to us like they always do. We laughed, talked and had so much fun... Ryan shared on the mic up front cause you know how he loves to do that... It's been a true honor to read both of your journeys. Beth, your a hell of a woman..Your willingness to share has touched us at a deep level and for that, we thank you..
All our love.
Barbara, Crystal and Arthur.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve and Beth,

My daughter is an LAPD officer and she gave me the link to your blog. I've been following it for several days, and have been crying, and smiling, right along with you! I say a prayer for you before and after I read your blog each time.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for your sharing your path with us. The love, strength and dedication reflected in your blog is so inspiring and comforting to see! Truly awesome!

They say that in times of crisis, it's difficult to see that God is present and working to bring something good out of a bad situation. However, when we look back at such times, we can often see the gentle hand of God at work. I see His work come to life in your words as you talk about what is happening, and how you are caring for each other.

Steve, I pray for a good night's sleep for you tonight, and every night to come. Can hardly wait to read the blog on the day you are finally home!!!!

Love and prayers continue!...Deb

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've ever posted on any blog, but having not been able to get in to see Steve and you all the past several days, I find this to be a necessary relief of my stress. Many of us spent the weekend running out in the desert. As you now know, our Metro running teams ran with special shirts printed in support of Steve. Believe me, as much as each step hurt out there, the thought of your guys' strength the past two weeks drove us on. I was proud to answer every time someone out there asked me what the shirt was about or how Steve was doing.

I WILL absolutely be in to see you guys as soon as possible. Just know that we never stopped thinking of you.

See you guys soon. CCC

Unknown said...

I've been reading this daily and wish Steve a speedy recovery. Although you don't know me, Beth was my Sgt at 77th and your son a p-1 at Wilshire where I'm currently assigned as a Sgt. He was an outstanding probationer and I'm sure that had to do with you and the person you are. Beth, take care of yourself and Steve, look forward to meeting you one of these days.

Cory Meisner

Eric England said...

Stone Cold Steve Austin, i dont think they make em' as tough as you anymore. Hope to see you back on the block soon.

Robert Q said...


It's great to see Steve on his feet, he looks really great...I can't stop thinking of the inspiring words Steve said of his love for you at your wedding reception...words we should all live by...Robert Q.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the same Steve I know...Mean and ready to talk Smack at the drop of a hat! Stay strong brother.

Javier Arenado

Jenn Wills said...

The light is back in his eyes! He looks terrific!! My prayer warriors are praying that if it's not today then tomorrow will see Steve going home!

Steve truly is a hero...and Beth is walking side by side in that are an amazing family!

Stay strong!!


Isaiah 33:2 - LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.

Julie said...

I pray everyday that God will continue to place his healing hand on Steve and wrap his strength around Beth. You are both truely my heroes. Beth for the way that you battle whatever comes your way. And Steve because you have always been such a fighter, in more ways than one! But most of all because you have always been such a brother to me. Continue the good fight my friends and I will always be by your side.
Love you guys,

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi beth and steve! i just caught up on all of the posts i missed. steve, you are amazing! you have come so far so fast. i just cried and cried seeing you with your kids. what a wonderful healing step this was for all of you. i think about all of you all of the time. i hope you gt to go home soon. there truly is no place like home! and beth, what can i say, you are an angel. a very strong angel. i hope that your healing continues to be as positive and fast as possible. i continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. joyce

jaz@octoberfarm said... look great steve!

Anonymous said...

You not only have 9000 sworn supporting you but thousands of retiree's wishing you the best.

Sandra Cobet said...

Reading the latest update it seems he has made an amazing recovery! From your first post and the footage on tv I cannot believe he is outside and up and walking. He has truly been blessed. Beth you have been wonderful throughout all of this, just being by his side and keeping it all together. You have done an amazing job of making sure everyone is taken care of, and are a great example to anyone supporting an officer who has been hurt on duty. I like how your blog and your thoughts are all about Steve and the kids, and its not about you, even though it surely is about you too. I worked for a PD where an officer was shot and the wife gave a press conference to make the tragedy about her and get on TV, it was very embarrassing. You truly love your family and have set a great example to us LEO wives on how to handle the unthinkable, and how to stay focused on what is important. The pictures you posted were great, I could just see in his expression " get me the he.. out of here". Hang in there and keep on getting better, home is just around the corner.

Auntie Barbara said...

Hi Steven,
I know you don't feel as good as you'd like, but, I have to tell you how great it is to see you up and about. Although, knowing the kind of man you are, I am NOT surprised. Ever since I've known you (that would be throughout your entire life, ha) you have never been one to stay down. You look amazing...even a little smile in one of your pics. Also, so nice to see a pic of James (handsome guy that he is) and Mom looks great, too. Keep working as hard as your loved ones are in your continued care. I know how much you love and appreciate the beautiful family you have and how quickly you want to be better for them. We, your extended family, admire and love you so much. And, like so many, many others will continue to pray for strength for all and a quick recovery for you. We love you, Steven, and look forward to another "Murphy Family Reunion" real soon. God Bless You, your Arizona Family

Bowens said...

Hey Steve,
Just wondering in the picture of you outside are you saying peace or two days till you go home? I hope it means two days!! :) my kids have prayed every night please let Steve go home on Thursday. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us the kids love to see how great your doing. Roddy keeps saying I can't wait till Mr. Steves back at jiji. Keep getting stronger.

Twerty Girl said...

Steve and Beth,

I have not met either of you but I did have the pleasure of meeting Andrew there at the hospital last week, along with my husband (P2 at Mission) and our friend Jacob from Best Buy.

I just wanted to express our love and support to you and your family at this time. As I read your blog I cry, smile and remain in awe of the progress Steve is making in such a short period of time.

I'm very grateful (and proud) to be a part of the LAPD Family and see the outpouring of support that we are able to give to one another.

You all remain in our prayers for continued recovery and that you will be home soon with your beautiful family!

Charity, Bill, Grace (2 years) and Ryan (3 months)

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve...Looking good. Greetings from the Harbor. Eddie and I were thinking that you were gonna jip us out of that Busy Bee sandwich you owe us. Eddie doesn't forget anything when it comes to food. We are so proud of you and are keeping you, Beth, and the kids in our prayers. Knowing your toughness you'll be out of the hospital in no time. If not, Eddie and I will devise a plan to get you out. Take care and I hope to see you real soon. Just another of your many fans, Kel Higa

Anonymous said...

Brother Steve and the Jenkins family:

Wishing you a speedy recovery and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers everyday. You have strong arms around and big extended family to lean on. Wishing you all the very best!

Reserve Officer, Pacific Division

The Rodriguez Family said...

Greetings from Topanga. Your family way out west wish you all the best. We hope you are home soon so get some much needed sleep. Keep up the great work on the blog. Being able to journal the experience is not only helpful for you, but wonderful for your LAPD family to feel connected to you ALL during this difficult time.

Unknown said...

Dear Beth, thank you for writing this blog. It is both wonderful and heartbreaking to read. You are amazing and there are no words that can comfort you. I will look forward to your posts and I hope writing is helping, because it can be a wonderful outlet!

Please give give Steve my love and tell him how much he is in my thoughts. And for you and the kids, thoughts and hope for these to be days of great progress toward normalcy.

Andrea Balter

Anonymous said...

Steven, you look fantastic. I have been keeping up with your blog since day one and even though I only know you from working Harbor Division, I feel like I know your entire family. Beth constantly expresses her gratitute for everyone's prayers and comments, which I know is very comforting but truthfully those of us reading Beth's daily updates have been a blessing for all of us. What a beautiful family you have and I'm sure that helps tremendously in your recovery process. You and your family are in my prayers daily. Looking forward to the post that will read that you are resting comfortably at home. God Bless! Tina Certeza

Anonymous said...

You look awesome! I love the blog/pictures. Thanks Beth for posting them and making us a part of Steve's recovery. Hang in there! He'll be better real soon. Stay positive and know that we are all praying for a full/speedy recovery.

Steve, get better soon!
Suzanne Lee (McDuffie)

mgeiger said...

Steve: I live in Laguna Niguel and Roy Garibay lives in Huntington Beach. We connect periodically and always end up telling old stories. Two I remember were 1) the three of us riding your blue cruiser to Roy's house, me on the front with those sweet pegs you had on the front wheel for the ladies. What was her name again....Lori something? Anyway, you were on the back and Roy was pedaling. We were swerving and laughing so hard Roy crashed the bike. Of course you and I were able to jump off and Roy went down with the ship. I think he proceded to chase me and tackle me on somebody's front lawn. I think I can take him now but his son, Kyle (17) is a black-belt in Tai Qwan Do. 2) Almost setting the church on fire outside the back door of the Sacristy disposing the incense coals from the service. We were in 8th grade so Father Bill figured we were responsible enough to handle red-hot instruments, toxic smoke, and scalding hot coals. Ah, the good old days! When you get better we should get the band back together and do 5pm Mass at St. Barnabas again. I let you take the "bells" position. You look great! What an inspiration! Get well soon. Mark Geiger

revstandley said...

Beth and Steve, just a note to let you know that our congregation has been lifting you up in prayer since that morning Kiera called to tell me what had happened. Everyday members call or come to me to ask, "How is Steve?". Many of them rememeber the Flower Girls from the wedding, as well as the months that we prayed for healing for you, Beth. Your blog is the first place I go when I get on the computer in the morning, both for myself and for them. Thank you for allowing us to share this time of trial with you.

Ruth Mutti said...

Please tell Officer Jenkins to keep his spirits up and to keep things in perspective. His physical discomforts will pass and he will be able to have fun with his family soon enough. In the same way he learned to push past his limits to become an LAPD officer, he is capable of doing the same thing now. He's stronger than he realizes. And, while the fine and loyal LAPD family undoubtedly continues to surround your family, just know there are many of us who are just regular civilians who are grateful for the excellent and loyal service from officers such as Officer Jenkins.
We can only visit in our thoughts, but they are very good thoughts and prayers. BTW, I want to see a picture in the paper later this year showing him either dancing with his wife or playing softball with his kids, ok? Please tell him to make it happen, hang in there, he's not alone and he's going to be okay.-signed, a thankful and concerned resident who cares, Ruth Mutti

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenkins family -

Praying for a quick, thorough recovery for Steve. You have an amazing support team behind you brother, not only your family, but your family in Blue. I'm praying I see you on my next call out!

Brother in Blue

Andrew Garcia said...

Steve, stay postive bro! Your LAPD family is thinking abaout you everyday!!

Stay strong!!!

Sgt Andrew Garcia

Anonymous said...

Sending my very best to the entire Jenkins family. I worked at Harbor Division Homicide when Steve was there. We all knew you were a great street cop, so it was no surprise when you made it to Metropolitan Division.

You are one tough SOB, so I expect no less than 110% full recovery from you! You have an awesome family!!! The entire Department is looking forward to seeing you up and around again. God Bless. Det. P.I.

Punchy said...

I found out about this page from an online newsletter I read in the mornings. I had just been wondering a couple of days ago how the officer that had been shot was doing. You never hear of the follow up and the daily struggles on the road to recovery. This blog has really opened my eyes to the sacrifices that are made by officers to protect the rest of us. I've always understood and appreciated the men and women in blue who put themselves out there everyday, 24 hours a day but this blog brings home just how much strength officers have and just how much of a fighting spirit they have. As a civilian, I want to say thanks to the Jenkins family for dedicating their lives to serving others and protecting the people that live and visit Los Angeles. It is greatly appreciated. I don't live in Los Angeles but visit frequently. I live in Beaumont and I'm often asked if I think L.A. is safe. I tell people that everytime I am in L.A. I see the LAPD everywhere and that that department is the best of the best. I have no fears of being in L.A. because I know what type of people serve the city. Hands down the greatest group of officers anywhere by far.

I will continue to pray for a full recovery for Steve and for strength for the entire family. You are all in this together.

D3 GoGo said...

To the Jenkins Family,
Great to see the updates and that Steven's process in ongoing. Our continued prayers and thoughts to you and your family during these times from all of us at North Hollywood Division...

D3 Adolfo Godinez

Leslie Grenier said...

While the doctors are heros and miracle workers, sometimes you two may know best what Steve needs to heal. I am not saying you should go against doctor's orders, but keep the pressure on to get Steve released as soon as possible. I once 'busted my Grandma out' of the hospital because they had set conditions on her release that I knew she would not meet as long as she was there. I have never regretted it. We are all praying that Steve is home for Easter, but if not I am sure the Easter Bunny does hospital visits. Great to see you looking so well Steve. keep the beard and you could get the Santa gig in December!

mgeiger said...

"It may sound absurd, but don't be niave. Even heros have a right to bleed. It's not easy to be me." -Superman, by the band Five For Fighting

Stay tough brother. Stay you.
Sincerely, Mark

Michelle Mesina said...

Steve looks amazing and by the looks of the latest pics, I have no doubt that he’ll be up and about in no time. Beth, thank you so much for sharing these moments and keeping us updated on Steve’s condition. Your strengths supersede adversity and I know the Jenkins’ will be back in full swing in no time. My family will continue to keep you all in our prayers. Please give Steve a hug for me. Sleep well, Steve!