Saturday, April 23, 2011

There's No Place Like Home!

I am so very thrilled to report that we are home!  It was an amazing day, one that we will never forget.  Last night Steve finally had a good night's sleep.  He attributed that to not having the trach tube anymore.  Whatever it was, he slept well and because of that, so did I.  We woke up feeling rested and excited but nervous.  We knew Steve was ready to go home but it was all up to Dr. Hanpeter.  I found myself feeling a little intimidated by Dr. Hanpeter just because he is so smart which made me feel a little stupid as I clumsily fumbled my words around him.  But I finally got up the guts to ask him if I could take a picture and I was pleasantly surprised that he was more than happy to oblige.  What a good dude!

After Dr. Hanpeter confirmed that Steven could go home, I made some notifications and many of Steve's friends came to the hospital to help transport him home.  Steve Wills, Steve's old partner in C Team has been there for us every step of this journey:
And then there was Arcos.  Lt. Bob Arcos, well what can I say?  He's a great human being with a huge heart.  He's Steve's boss but so much more than that and I am honored to call him our friend.  Thanks Bob:

Linda Travis and Dave Wade came to finish what they started.  They were part of the team that fateful night and they were with Steve every single step of the way.  They came to personally see to it that Steve finally made it home.  How humbling for me to see the bond that this team will always share:

Just before leaving the 7th Floor ICU, aka 7 West, Steve took one last walk down the hall to say his goodbyes.  We had become so close to these amazing people and it was bittersweet leaving them all behind:

Linda, Dave, Steve's nurse, Jane, and I trailed behind as Steve Wills pushed Steve in the wheelchair down to the lobby where we were met by all of the handlers who were with Steve the night he was shot.  Cliff Chu and Jason Schwab also joined in the lobby to greet Steve.  From left to right they are:  Lt. Bob Arcos, Ofcr. Cliff Chu, Ofcr. Linda Travis, Sgt. Miles Taylor, Ofcr. Dave Wade, Ofcr. Jason Schwab, Ofcr. Josh Kniss and of course Steve in front.  I can't say enough about this extraordinary group of police officers who will forever be my friends.  To Steve they are so much more than that.  They are his brothers and sister:

I was so very moved watching some of the people sitting in the lobby as Steve was brought through in the wheelchair.  When the handlers surrounded him and then posed for this picture, I was struck by a middle aged lady sitting with her family.  She and her family stood to watch what was happening and as Steve passed by, she brought her hands to her face and the tears in her eyes said it all.  This police officer, this man who had sacrificed so much, was going home.

We exited the lobby doors, Steve waived goodbye and gave a thumbs up, and we boarded the suburban (courtesy of LAPD's SWAT unit) to go home.  After almost three weeks in the hospital, Steven was finally going home.      


Andrew Jenkins said...

I haven't broken down since all this occurred and reading this entry has broken me. Seeing him walk out of the suburban and the releived look on his face when he sat on HIS couch broke me. I'm sitting here reading this entry just humbled by the last 3 weeks and the progress my father has made in the short amount of time. I'm honored and privileged to call steven Jenkins my father and thank everyone for their love and support through this time in our life. From the bottom of my heart thank you all.

Ron Terrazas said...

Happy Easter...

Andy "Wags" Wagner said...


Thank you so much for providing a glimpse of what you and Steve and Andrew and the rest of the family have gone through. Even though I haven't had to endure anything close to the physical and emotional pain this entire process has caused you, it has changed my entire way of life. We have all gone through the struggles of hardship and loss, but not until that morning did I fully realize how precious life is. Steve is far down the list of people I'm close to (I'd be surprised if he recognized me and knew my name) but I've shared many unforgettable memories with Andrew. Knowing how deeply he loves Steve, and how strong their bond is, I cant help but tear up at the very thought of someone I love having to endure the confusion, pain and sheer hoplessness this tragic event has caused. But through all of that you guys have shown unfathomable strength, unbending courage, and, ( in Steve's case), an unbreakable will to live. I can't imagine being in your shoes (and I hope I never am) but in sharing your experience, you have provided me with the strength and courage needed to face all of life's difficulties head on. Though we may never see each other or talk in person from here on out, know that you and Steve have touched my life in a way I never knew possible, and I am eternally grateful.

Andy Wagner

Joy said...


Unknown said...


We've been out of town this week for Spring Break and I've been praying for you while we were gone but hadn't been able to see your blog. Prayed hard for you in church this morning on Easter and then I got home and caught up on the amazing progress Steve has made. So happy he's back at home with his family. You two have shown such amazing courage and perseverance. Thank you for your gift of the blog so we can all catch a glimpse of the strength your whole family has shown in this terrible tragedy. Looking forward to hearing more about Steve's recovery!

Bowens said...

Hi Jenkins Family,
Happy Easter! I can not stop crying since I read this last entry I am so happy for your family. I know this will be a huge step forward in the long healing process for all of you! Those pictures are priceless and say a lot about how much Steve is truly loved. We will continue to pray for all of you.

Anonymous said...

God Bless Steven and the Jenkins family. We are very happy for this milestone. Life is precious.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you both. Happy Easter. God is great.

Michelle said...

Beth and Steve,
What an amazing story! Great pictures. Enjoy your Easter and so glad to hear you are all home together. Thank you for the blog and keeping us all up to date.
God bless you all.

Kristy said...

God is good!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

the day steve returned home is my birthday and reading this is the best birthday present i could ever have. i will always remember this date in a new way. this is steve's resurrection! joyce

Aunt Kathy said...

Happy Easter Steve and Beth!
Welcome home Steve! What an awesome way to celebrate Christ's resurrection.
I bet your day was so busy and exciting as well. I thought you would appreciate this little story My husband had his jaw wired shut after a bad car accident and a nurse came into his room to give him some Tylenol for his high fever. The only way to administer this was a suppository. Doug asked the nurse if he would be able to swalllow a pill if his jaw wasn't wired shut and she said yes. He asked to see the pill and he smashed it with his fist and shoved it through his mouth where the tooth was missing. The nurse couldn't stop laughing.
I'm so happy for all of you and will always be praying for complete healing.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

I cried tears of joy today reading the blog!!!

The Glory of Easter, and such a wonderful homecoming!

Love and prayers continue...Deb

mgeiger said...

At Church today, Easter, the priest had an interesting perspective on the biblical events surrounding Christ's death and ressurection. Father Steve (coincidence?) said "several days ago in our story things looked really bad for the good guys. Jesus was executed, dead and burried in a tomb with a large stone in front of it. The bad guys thought they had won. They had gotten rid of their problem, or so they thought......" It's hard to hear this story year after year and still find inspiration. The priest's perspective, and the parallel to Steve and his family's challenge have brought new meaning and inspiration to the story. Steve's going home is a very significant milestone in the good guy's triumph over the bad guys. I hope their watching! Welcome home Steve. Chuck says "hey!" Sincerely, Mark

jen sonnen said...

Throughout this process I've been reminded how when we were kids and I was afraid that I might not be able to get pregnant or carry my own children, you nonchalantly said, "don't worry jen, I'll carry your baby for you." NOT that I'm holding you to that! But it strikes me how you have always approached life with an internal knowing that you are STRONG. I love that about you and I try to emulate it!

This is such wonderfully fantastic news for Easter, my friend. I am SO happy for your whole family!!

Continued healing, happiness, and Love!

Jack Schonely ASD said...

So glad to see you made it home Steve. You look great! I am sure being home with your family will be a great boost to your recovery. I admire your courage Steve. You represent what is best about LAPD and particularly Metro K-9. You walk on point every night knowing bad men are out there and you do it willingly side by side with other handlers just like you. I wish you the best and hope to shake your hand soon.

Lee and Arlene Alpert said...

Congratulations to your entire family and particularly to Steve for the brilliant fight to get you all home together for Easter.

We have never been more proud to have a son who is an LAPD Officer than we have been reading your blog and seeing your photos of how the men and women of LAPD are truly a warm, wonderful,loyal and caring brotherhood/sisterhood who not only run towards the bullets when the need be ..... but also run toward and stand by each other when they and their families are in need.

God Bless,
Lee & Arlene Alpert